A group is planning to hold a protest in Blackburn against a proposed march by British soldiers.

The group called the ‘Islamic Defence League’ want to cause some controversy by holding a demonstration.

Unsurprsingly, there is going to be more attention given to this band of ill-informed young ‘defenders of the Ummah’ than to anything else.

But are these guys actually who they say they are? The You Tube video they released shows a group who seem both amateurish and stupid.

This video could have been made by anyone, anywhere and particular words kind of give you the impression that this is being done to bring attention to the town of Blackburn and its Muslim population.

The language - referring to the town of ‘Blackburnistan -’ is something unlikely ever to have been used by someone who is a Muslim himself. Even the name ‘Usain Master’ is dubious to say the least.

And why is the video something more likely to be used by an anti-Muslim group?

If this group is who they in fact say they are, Muslim - why hold an event which will encourage more abuse to be directed at other Muslims?

Rather than having the feelings of all Muslims at heart this group is simply playing into the hands of the very system they are demonstrating against. There seems to very little in the form of consideration for the wider Muslim community.

Yes, there is a time a place to protest but this will simply be used as another way of ensuring all Muslims are grouped together as 'backward' and 'extremist'.

The arguments this group are likely to put forward are again hypocritical. Why live in a system and encourage your family and friends to benefit from a country and then protest against a soldiers' parade? If one feels so strongly one would live and reside elsewhere.

And where was the protest against the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in the first place? Where does this sudden conscience for the Muslim ummah come out only at times like this?

Whilst we can urge as much as we want that this group does not get as much coverage as they actually warrant I fear pleas are likely to fall on deaf ears.