Over the past 10 years, spending on Halloween and Bonfire Night in the UK has reportedly increased to £650m, making it a larger event for independent retailers than Easter.

Imran Hussain, director of Fireworks North West Ltd on Bolton Road, Blackburn reveals why fireworks play an inherent part of the celebrations.

“There is a great buzz and excitement in the build up to Halloween and Bonfire Night. These are traditions that are firmly rooted in British culture.

“No Bonfire Night is complete without fireworks and they’re increasingly playing a prominent part of Halloween celebrations too.

“People are keen to spend extravagantly when it comes to firework displays.

“We have put up TV screens in the shop for more interactive displays, so customers can watch the full impact of the fireworks before purchasing them.

“We now have new suppliers as we are dedicated to providing a more refined quality of fireworks to our customers.

“Prime pyrotechnics, Emperor and Absolute fireworks are hugely popular.”

As well as Halloween and Bonfire Night, Imran said that a particularly popular time of year for him is wedding season which he attributes to changing social trends.

He said: “Our wedding packages were in increasingly high demand this year.

“Weddings are becoming distinctly elaborate and this is reflected in lavish expenditure on décor and aesthetics. Firework displays have become an integral part of wedding celebrations and are a spectacular way to end the special day.

“But whatever you do make sure you do it safely. We do not sell to those under age so don’t even ask.”

You can view more at: FireworksNorthwest.shop and Fireworks Northwest Ltd on Facebook or call Imran for more information on 07802 944904.