Sayeeda Warsi swanned into town to open a Conservative office in the heart of the Asian area of Blackkburn.

She was greeted by candidate Michael Law-Riding and local supporters as she officially opened the office on the corner Balaclava Street and Altom St.

Wearing a traditional blue shalwaar kameez Sayeeda was full of the familiar energy we have become used too.

Among other points raised she said Jack Straw should not take his vote for granted in the town, the mainstream parties had a duty to ensure the BNP vote did not increase and women needed to have their voices heard.

Nothing new there.

When asked by Asian Image on the common perception that Muslims in some towns tended to back politicians if they got planning permissions for their mosques she had this to say.

“Whilst places of religious worship are very important I think there are more pressing needs for the Muslim community at hand.

“Like the image of Islam and how Islamaphobia is stemmed."

It’s only been two days but like a 1970s Bollywood movie heroin Sayeeda is already bringing a real sense of perspective to this campaign.