Dear Massi, I am being accused of having phone sex with a guy who is four years older than me.

I got his number when it was an emergency and then started talking to him and the next thing - he was text messaging me.

His girlfriend now thinks that I had phone sex with him. I am only 12.

Whenever his girlfriend finds me on my own she keeps swearing at me.

It's not true he knows that as well but he won't tell his girlfriend and I don't even know that thing is that I am being accused of. I have not done anything wrong and I keep getting false accusations thrown at me. When I meet her with other friends of hers I all ways get humiliated please help!

Massi Says, It is quite clear that both this girl in particular and her boyfriend are simply bullying you.

Her boyfriend when confronted by his girlfriend has tried to blame you and get himself in the clear. This is cruel and nasty thing to do to a twelve-year-old.

At the moment you might feel lonely and quite afraid but you must tell your teacher about what has happened even though you might be a little embarrassed. Trust me your teacher will take it seriously.

Don't let this girl continue to make your school life hell. By accusing you of having done things she is making herself look 'innocent' in front of her friends. This has to stop. Be brave and remember you DO NOT have to put up with this.

This girl will not stop teasing you unless she is confronted.

You might want to log on to or call 0800 1111 24 hours a day.

Please stay in touch if things get worse. You are not alone.