Dear Massi,  My cousin saw me in a restaurant eating meat that had been stunned before slaughter and told everyone I was eating haram food.

I am so angry. He was walking past and saw me and at the time he just put his hand up and said assalamualaikum. But now I hear he told my dad that I was eating at at the restaurant.

The restaurant is fully halal and I don’t care what he says. I know loads of people who go there. It is all a matter of opinion.

He also goes on Facebook and talks about Islam but then when you check his feed he will have all sorts of unislamic stuff on there?

The worst thing he himself likes to smoke weed and likes to gamble but has a problem with a restaurant? It is so hypocritical!

Where is the Halal Haram issue then?

Massi says, Your cousin's stance appears to be a very judgemental and calculated one.

If he felt so affronted by you eating in the restaurant, he should have spoken to you directly rather than complaining about you to your father behind your back.

Sometimes people point out what they deem to be flaws in other people in a bid to cover up their own shortcomings.

You should not have to concern yourself with what other people might say if they see you eating in a particular restaurant. 

This will only exacerbate unnecessary tension and will make you paranoid.

If you are comfortable with the halal certification of a restaurant, then don't be swayed by other people's personal judgements.