Dear Massi, My husband is a Shia and I am Sunni. We are opening our fasts at different times every day. 

It it exhausting. 

I open mine first, but I barely have time to pray before I have to give him his food for him to open his fast.

It is so late by the time I get to sit down and eat.

My husband also has a big issue with me reading tarawih prayers (evening prayers) as he says it is bidaa.

Then he starts lecturing me on Islamic history and his version of events.

This is our first Ramadan as a married couple and it is causing so many problems.

We fought so hard with our families to get married, but it is just going downhill this month.

What can I do make things better?

Massi Says, Religion is a sensitive matter and must be approached with tact and acceptance.

When you both decided to get married, you knew of the religious differences between you then.

It would be better for you both to talk about this in a rational way. 

Without asking the other to concede their beliefs, why not agree to disagree on key issues.

The fasting day is a long one, and it would only be fair if you asked your husband to help you at iftar time, rather than the onus being solely on you to prepare all the food.

A marriage is not based just on religious beliefs, but on compromise, understanding and love between 2 people.

Try and draw back on what brought you both together as a couple to help you through this hurdle.