Dear Massi, My wife keeps abusing me in her sleep.

This was not something she did at first but now she wakes up in the middle of the night and swears at me at the top of her voice.

I think it is a form of sleep disorder.

I live with my parents and at first it was embarrassing as my dad came running into the room.

I have told her she does this but she denies everything and says I am making it up. She really vents her anger and recently she has started swearing at me in Gujarati too.

The strange thing is she doesn’t speak the language very well but her sleep swearing is fluent.

KH Massi Says, Your wife’s cursing in her sleep suggests a sleep disorder or parasomnia.

Parasomnia is a type of sleep disorder which results in disruptive behaviour that occur during sleep.

Common behavioural problems of parasomnias include unwelcome verbal outbursts.

Sleep disorders can be caused by various underlying reasons.

You will need to consult your GP who will refer you to the appropriate specialist in order to diagnose and treat this.