Forget all those male female stereotypes. It’s official: men are bigger gossips than women.

As society is evolving, the role of the modern man has been redefined. We are no longer surprised to see men purchasing expensive moisturisers for themselves, or going to the salon to get unruly bits waxed or threaded.

And in keeping with these changes, it appears, according to a new survey, that modern men cannot keep a secret.

In fact, half the men surveyed revealed they would share a secret within minutes of being told about it, whereas women will keep it to themselves for at least three and a half hours before passing it on.

Let’s set the scene:

A: “How old do you think the bride is?”

B: “She’s at least 35.”

A: “Yeah, she looks it. But why do you think she got married so late?”

B: “She must have been going out with someone for years and it broke off recently, innit.”

A: “I heard she’s going to move in with her in-laws.”

B: “Well, she’s not exactly going to be easy to mould. Only the younger bahoos adapt in their in-laws.”

A: “Yeah, we’ll hear all about the drama soon enough.”

And to just to elaborate, A and B are both men. Grown men.

Whilst gossiping about the bride and groom when you are guests at their wedding is etiquette in its most heinous form, the change in men’s garrulous tendencies is largely due to the increase in social media, Facebook and text messaging.

And so, let’s consider the following text exchange:

Man 1: “I heard Nadia was eating a bacon sandwich.

Man 2: “So what?”

Man 1: “Bacon is haram bro. That’s a massive gunnah.”

Man 2: “Bro, I was with you when you stumbled out of the club drunk last week.”

Man 1: “That’s not the same.”

Man 2: “Why not?”

Man 1: “Because pig is more haram than alcohol.”

Such profound logic.

Gossip has been described as the female answer to porn. Now that men have embraced it, it makes perfect sense.