A MUSLIM scholar who has been living under a fatwa for two decades is hoping his case will get more attention from Police Scotland after the organisation admitted to being institutionally racist.

Paigham Mustafa, who lives in Scotland, claims the police have not “adequately addressed” the threat on his life from the religious edict calling for “action to be taken against him”.

A fatwa - which was issued to Mustafa by several mosques in the west of Scotland - is a decree from an Islamic relgious leader and in Mustafa's case means the threat of execution. 

Mustafa is believed to be the only person in the UK living under such a threat since Salman Rushdie left the UK for the US.

He claims the force’s lack of action is because it "fears being branded Islamaphobic".

In 2021, Police Scotland said hate law does not apply to Mustafa’s case as it requires an intention to stir up hatred against a group rather than an individual, but Mustafa said this raises questions about whether individuals are sufficiently protected from hate crimes committed by institutions.

After Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone last month admitted the Police Scotland is “institutionally racist and discriminatory”, Mustafa said he hopes there can be further scrutiny of hate crimes and action taken over his case.

He told The National: “When I listened to the Chief Constable’s comments I realised I felt vindicated that comments I had previously made were correct and now I am hoping things will change and we can move forward.

“There’s been nothing from the police so far. They have ticked the box in terms of an investigation but they have done nothing useful and I think the reasons behind that are coming forward now.”

A statement sent out by his publishing company Signat said Mustafa finds the inaction around his case “deeply concerning”.

Chief Inspector Jamie Harrison wrote to Mustafa after the investigation to say no criminality was established after advice was sought from the Islamic community and the Police Scotland equality and diversity unit.

Signat said Mustafa is critical of Police Scotland’s decision to seek advice from the “very institutions accused of spreading hate, questioning the validity and impartiality of the investigation”.

The statement went on: “Sir Iain Livingstone’s acknowledgement of institutional racism and discrimination within Police Scotland is a significant development.

“It highlights the urgent need for the police to address these deep-rooted issues and demonstrates the importance of championing equality and becoming an anti-racist service.

“To ensure justice and equal protection for all individuals, it is crucial that the police thoroughly investigate hate crimes, regardless of the identities of the victims or the institutions involved.

“In conclusion, Police Scotland’s acknowledgement of institutional racism is an essential step towards reforming the police force. However, the case of Paigham Mustafa highlights the need for further scrutiny and improvement in handling hate crimes.

“Protecting individuals from all forms of discrimination and ensuring their safety should be a fundamental duty of law enforcement agencies.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “A thorough investigation of Mr Mustafa’s concerns was carried out and no criminality was established.

“Advice was also sought from the Islamic community and Police Scotland’s Equality and Diversity Unit in order to provide the most suitable advice to Mr Mustafa.

“In addition, trained officers carried out an extensive security survey for Mr Mustafa and the outcome of this has been communicated with him.”