Children of all ages from across Preston marched to commemorate civil rights icon Dr Martin Luther King and to show their support for the people of Gaza.

In May 1963, children marched in Birmingham, Alabama to support Dr King and protest against segregation in the USA, eventually leading to the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act.

On Friday, children marched to Preston Flag Market to highlight the ongoing bombing of Gaza which is being supported by the British government.

It came ahead of a weekend when the world witnessed more horrifying scenes from Rafah. At least 45 Palestinians, including women  and children living in tents were murdered by Israeli Defence Forces.

Imam Farook Kazi, said: “Just as we saw the segregation in America and Apartheid in South Africa, we have seen all of these things and more happening in Palestine over the last 75 years, and the horror of Gaza is just the latest assault on an indigenous population by a colonial power.

“Our children are wiser than their parents and grandparents and they know that the struggle for justice in Palestine is the same struggle that drove Martin Luther King to fight for equal rights in America.

"This is all that Palestinians want - equality. Our children are hugely impacted by the deaths of 15000 innocent children in Gaza - 15 Palestinian children have been killed for every Preston child expected to attend the march.”

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One of the march organisers, Michael Lavalette from Preston campaign group 'Children of the Ghetto' added: "I am so proud of our children and of their commitment to justice. I'm confident that in these children's life-time we will see a free Palestine, one where there is freedom, justice and equality for all".

Khadijah Timol,10, from the Masjide Saliheen Madrasah was among those at the event.

He said ‘It was amazing to see so many children having the worry and concern for the children of Gaza and what they have been going through. We hope that the images and videos can be seen by them so they know they are not alone.”