A Blackburn author says a new book about the Al-Aqsa mosque will help to educate children about the historical significance of the site.

Hamza Malik, 39, has published 'Omar's Discovery at Masjid Al-Aqsa' which tells the story of a young boy’s journey to learn about the history and significance of the Masjid Al-Aqsa, which the third holiest place for Muslims across the world. 

The mosque is based the old city of Jerusalem. 

The book aims to teach young readers about the ‘importance of knowledge, community, and preserving the heritage of sacred places’.

Hamza, who grew up in Nelson, said: “The idea for the book came from my long-standing interest in Islamic history and architecture.

"Masjid Al-Aqsa holds a significant place in Islamic tradition and I wanted to share its rich story and cultural importance with a wider audience.

“I published this book to educate people, especially children, about the historical, spiritual, and cultural significance of Masjid Al-Aqsa.

“It is a site of immense importance to Muslims around the world, and I wanted to provide a resource that could help foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of this sacred place for young children.”

He said he hoped to inspire 'curiosity and respect' for different cultures and histories.

He added: “It took a few months to publish the book. This is my first book so I hope it will receive support from the local community to inspire me to continue in my work and efforts.  

“I am planning to write another book and I hope my books inspires children of all faiths and background.”

The book is available from June 10 in local Islamic bookshops or by following this link.