A Muslim women’s group which is helping people find prospective life-partners has revealed how they aimed to break down misconceptions of singles events.

The Sisters4Sisters group, is a non-profit organisation and is led by a team of five women who are all based in Blackburn.

In November, the group hosted a gathering took place at the Foxfields Country Hotel in Billington.

The event was said to have been a ‘tremendous’ success and the group is announcing plans for another date soon.

For this event they were specifically seeking profiles from women aged 26 and above, and men aged 30 and above.

The group revealed their Muslim matrimonial event had resulted in their first successful match and the marriage was scheduled to take place soon.

Sisters4Sisters admitted they faced some challenges organising the gathering and this highlighted the need for extra support from family and friends.

One of the issues was that singles events of this kind tend to have fewer men and more women. In contrast they managed to have a 50-50 split.

A spokesperson from the group said: “This underscores the importance of a robust support system, demonstrating how personal connections can ease participation concerns among men.

“In singles gatherings, both men and women encounter difficulties dealing with the pressure to find a partner, especially as traditional ways of meeting people may decline with age.

“From our perspective, men may face increased challenges due to contemporary expectations, societal norms around provider roles, and the pressure to excel.

“Attending such events may carry a stigma in the wider community, requiring courage, especially for those attending alone.

“While both genders have unique challenges, we believe men experience greater pressure in areas like confidence, appearance, communication, and career success.

“We recognise that women also face distinct challenges, with societal norms and beauty standards adding complexity.”

Singles events were proving to be popular with audiences as traditional matchmaking practices had diminished.

The group said: “Firstly, they provide a platform for individuals to meet potential life partners in a structured and respectful environment, fostering interactions that might not happen naturally in daily life.

“In modern times, finding suitable life partners through conventional routes like arranged marriages can be challenging.

“As more people seek alternatives to mainstream dating apps, organised events have become relevant. These events, often with chaperones, allow individuals to meet potential partners modestly.

“Singles events are designed for those over 30 who encounter challenges in finding matches through traditional methods. These events address the changing needs in the community, offering opportunities for individuals to explore potential relationships.

“In essence, events like these address the growing need for alternatives to traditional matchmaking and dating apps. They offer a structured and modest setting, allowing individuals to navigate the path to finding a life partner with the guidance and support of family and friends.”

Parents were still involved in finding partners, the group said, but meeting digitally had clearly revolutionised match making in the past two decades.

The group told us: “Changing norms, increased mobility, and a desire for personal choice contribute to this shift.

"While parents still play a role, there's a growing understanding of balancing tradition with individuals' changing preferences and independence.

“The degree of parental involvement in partner searches varies, reflecting the interplay between tradition and modern ways in different cultures.”

Individuals who are divorced or have children faced unique challenges in finding partners due to 'societal perceptions and personal preferences', the group said.

“Stigma around divorce may still exist in some cultures, causing concerns about how potential partners view this aspect of their past.

"Those with children may encounter additional considerations, as some people have specific preferences regarding relationships with individuals who have parental responsibilities.

“These challenges are often discussed openly by individuals during the partner-search process.

"Being transparent about past experiences helps manage expectations and allows individuals to find partners who understand and accept their unique situations.

“Societal attitudes are evolving towards greater acceptance of diverse family structures. However, challenges still vary based on cultural, religious, and individual factors.

"Open communication and honesty about one's circumstances play a crucial role in navigating these challenges and finding compatible partners.”

Some people were still 'embarrassed' about attending matrimonial events.

The group said: “Feeling shy about attending events like these is normal, and many others share similar feelings. You're not alone in this. Speak to the organisers if you have any questions.

“Take small steps outside your comfort zone—bring a friend or arrive early to get comfortable. Keep expectations realistic, focus on meeting new people, and be yourself.

“Remind yourself of your strengths with positive affirmations. Prepare a few conversation starters, and celebrate your courage for stepping outside your comfort zone. Everyone is there to meet new people, and these events are opportunities for personal growth. Taking that first small step can lead to fulfilling experiences.”

Within some elements of Muslim culture there was a perception that it was far easier for men to find partners rather than women.

“This perception is influenced by factors such as societal expectations on career, education, cultural preferences, and communication styles. It's crucial to note that these ideas may not apply to everyone, and attitudes are changing.

“While women may face unique challenges, there is a growing recognition of gender equality in relationship dynamics. Overall, the ease of finding partners varies based on a complex mix of factors within different communities and contexts.”

Some families have spoken out over the growing divide between the educational attainments of men and women. It appears young women were gaining higher qualifications and the group noted this was a ‘positive trend’ but compatibility was important to families.

The group said: “As education changes, people are increasingly interested in finding a partner with a similar educational background.

“With more women excelling in advanced degrees, individuals value educational compatibility when looking for a life partner. This shift reflects changing societal norms that emphasize intellectual compatibility for meaningful connections and shared goals.

“People are actively seeking partners with similar educational achievements, recognising the benefits of shared values, goals, and intellectual pursuits.

"This positive trend shows changing priorities in the community, highlighting the importance of educational compatibility when seeking potential life partners.”