A self-defense expert didn’t let the small matter of a sprained ankle stop her from completing a mountain trek.

Zee Jogi wanted to challenge herself after completing the Mount Kilimanjaro trek last year and this time set her sights on Mount Everest.

She joined up with a group of eleven others from all around the world to take part in the 12 day trek hoping to walk up to 5,364 metres.

But her plans were put into jeopardy when after two days her foot began to swell up.

Zee said: “I have never occurred an ankle injury in my last 12 years of mountaineering and was extremely disappointed with myself for missing a step."

She said she followed the simple steps to reduce the swelling by resting, ice, compression and elevating the leg for 24 hours.

She said: “I felt agony and severe pain but did not want to give up as I wanted to complete the trek. I elevated my foot every day including the night and felt shooting pain all over my body but was determined to do this.

“The guide, Tirtha Thapa Maski allowed me to carry on treking and supported me along the journey.”

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Zee successfully summited Everest basecamp and reached the altitude of 5,364 metres on the 5 December 2022 with a sprained ankle, “If I have any advice then I would say it is mind over matter and you should always have the strength within yourself to continue. Make a decision and stick to it and never give up. Life will throw issues, problems, illness and you must find the solution to help you. 

“A huge thank you to the full team including the porters and guides for supporting me journey.”

Zee, runs a fitness and self-defence academy - Z’s Defence Academy – which was set up in 2019 as a community project to support women in East Lancashire.

Anyone who wishes to donate to the charity can find out more on www.zsdefenceacademy.co.uk

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