One hundred and fifty families throughout Rochdale received hot meals and food packs thanks to a team of volunteers.

Penny Appeal’s Holiday Hunger initiative worked in tandem with Greater Manchester grassroots organisations, The Future Group and Aspire to Inspire, to support local families without recourse to public funds and children that are entitled to free school meals this December.

Volunteers put together 450 sandwich packs for children, which included sandwiches, crisps, energy bars and fruit, 300 meat packs, 150 cereal variety packs and 150 non-perishable food parcels, which included items such as long life milk, canned goods, pasta, rice, biscuits, tea bags, sugar, juice, jam and porridge. 450 hot meals of rice and chicken curry were also distributed to hungry low-income families during this time.

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One single mother with 3 children who moved to Rochdale from Palestine described the programme as a "lifeline project”. She explained that her universal credit had been stopped and she had no means to support her children, so the Holiday Hunger packs she received were truly appreciated.

Another family from Sudan, who have recently been attending The Future Group for extra support, expressed that they had not eaten meat dishes in months because of how expensive meat is to buy.

“Thank you very much. The children were very happy and pleased. God bless you and give you strength for all your good efforts.” said one mother, as she collected her food packs at the Meadowfields Community Centre.