If you want to see nationalism in action one need only look at our own mosques and then get yourself involved in local politics.

Whilst society and communities have moved on these two areas remain split right down the middle and the thought processes of those who came before us is being instilled into the next generation.

Ordinary citizens care little for nationality in terms of relationships, marriages and families. But sadly, there are a large number of people, most notably those in places of influence who wish for us to remain within these boundaries.

We would like to believe that we are a community that is united when it comes to religion but we are a long way from this utopian vision.

For many the idea that one is Pakistani, Indian or Bengali means very little. But it matters because such institutions were built on these very notions – that of favouring one community over another.

For those who think it does not matter – well I say you need to simply try to stand for selection in your local ward. Go ahead.

You will find a system of selection in local parties that has moved on little since the eighties. Selections are made by party members who wish to support an ‘Indian’, a ‘Pakistani’ or a ‘Bangladeshi’.

This is being encouraged by those who are born here in Britain and call themselves more enlightened in their thinking. Yet, when it comes to simple selection we have a need to bring out the person’s background and nationality.

In fact, I would go as far as to say you cannot get elected in particular wards if you happen to be from another nationality.

If that wasn’t enough then even if you do pass the 'nationality test' you may well end up being the wrong caste.

This is contrary to finding the right candidate but more in ensuring each nationality gets its share of the spoils. Whatever they may be.

Local politics in Asian wards remains one of the most divisive areas in our community. I agree, there are some who are looking to change this mindset but there are a vast majority who would like it to remain the way it is.

This split also manifests itself in how we run our religious institutions.

Admittedly, some mosques have broken down these barriers. They have done some stirring work in helping to modernise Islamic madressas in the past decade. But these are still few and far between.

Many mosques continue to run on nationality lines.

This has also in my opinion become a major sticking point for community organisations. We look to cater for Pakistanis, Indians or Bangladeshis due to it being ‘safe’ and a belief that we are helping ‘our own people’.

You have more chance of becoming a member of your local Freemason lodge than becoming a committee member at certain mosques.

There are those who will say there is nothing wrong with this. Why not have a mosque for Indians and one for Pakistanis? People stick to their own don’t they?

Then why do we seem to feel almost obliged to criticise other areas where we are not allowed to be members? Why the hypocrisy when this blatant level of prejudice is going on right under our noses?

Why do we call out other organisations on a daily basis for their outright racism but stay quiet on this blatant disregard for equality?

I will hear the familiar chorus of disapproval from some who think that I am in some way trying to distil a level of disharmony. I would simply ask anyone to bring forward evidence to the contrary.

As I mentioned many of us have moved on from this thinking and cannot see the difference between one set of people and others. I applaud their efforts but when you are trying to fight against 60 years of racism then this job is not going to be easy.