A prominent imam has issued a public apology after allegations that he had relationships with women emerged.

The Bradford Imam stepped down from his position as Imam of the Al-Hikam Institute, Bradford and also issued a public apology which he has since deleted from his Facebook Page.

The Imam had thousands of followers on social media and attended events across the UK preaching to packed mosques.

A petition has reached more than a thousand signatures calling for Imam not to be reliqueshed of his duties.

In a statement signed by Shaykh Asrar Rashid and Shaykh Saqib Iqbal Shami it was decided that Imam Asim should step down from a number of roles after an 'emergency meeting was conducted on Thursday 24th January, 2019 at Kanz ul Huda Headquarters (Birmingham, UK) in relation to the serious allegations made against Asim Hussain'.

The imam was also asked to delete his social media accounts and to no longer contact any 'Ghayr Mahram women' (those who are not related) and also advised to look for a spouse.

The statement read, "The meeting was initiated and organised by Suhail Ahmed-Qadri who insisted that this is a matter for the honour of Islam and must be held by reputable scholars to come to a just decision.

"This meeting was held on the condition that Asim Hussain must abide (in its totality) by the decisions made by the scholars present.

The meeting lasted for over two hours and was presided over by Shaykh Saqib Iqbal Shami, with other notable attendees including Shaykh Asrar Rashid, Maulana Qamran Khan, Imam Adil Shahzad, Pervez (Al-Hikam Institute, Bradford), Imran Chaudhary, Suhail Ahmed-Qadri and Asim Hussain respectively.

"After much deliberation, it was decided that Asim Hussain (Al-Hikam Institute, Bradford) will be relieved from all religious duties with immediate effect. This entails:

1) Relinquishing the position of Imam/Shaykh
2) Foregoing all Islamic talks/study circles
3) Abstaining from answering questions relating to Islam
4) Terminating all personal accounts on social media

"Whilst he is relieved of all positions of religiosity, he is welcome to continue his social work.

"This decision was made considering a series of irrefutable proofs which amount to serious violations of morality and abuses of authority. It must be made clear that during this meeting Asim Hussain eventually admitted to allegations in light of the evidences presented before him and also agreed to the final decision."

"Scholars and Imams have been designated the task of serving and fulfilling the needs of the Muslim community at large, and a single code of conduct is consistent for all who embrace this role.

"Having said that, if they abuse this role and use it as a means of fulfilling their own whims and desires, it has a devastating effect on the lives of victims and corrodes all trust and confidence in them."

The statement adds, "In this meeting Asim Hussain, admitted to the offences and evidence presented before him and as a result the following conditions were put in place to prevent further incidents occurring:

1) Asim Hussain is to refrain from all forms of social media until permitted. He is to utilise his time in seeking knowledge and developing himself spiritually

2) He must pray his five times daily prayers. To aid in this a brother was appointed to monitor this daily and report back.

3) He is to look for a spouse as a priority.

4) He is to refrain from any contact with Ghayr Mahram women.

"Asim Hussain, categorically agreed to these conditions and repented for his actions.

"It was unanimously agreed that any further incidents of improper behaviour and/or breaking of the four conditions will not be tolerated and necessary action will be taken."

The statement also said, "Finally, as this matter is now closed, it is not in accordance with Islamic etiquettes to continue discussing these issues, particularly on social media. This has been dealt with by scholars as per the Islamic requirement and is not a matter for common members of the public to discuss."

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Earlier Imam Asiam had posted an apology on social media, "The biggest challenge I've found over the years is this constant battle between my personal life and public life (the Imam).

"Amongst the challenges I have been facing were; a crossfire between being a young man wanting to live the life and being an Imam. It was hard to be myself and be an Imam, I would do many things that were contradictory to my position.

"People would hold me in high esteem yet very few knew the challenges I faced, a constant internal battle between my Imān and nafs, the struggles of being human and being an Imam.

"I don't write any of this in vain or ungratefully as ultimately it was the decree of Allah, choices I made, my mothers duas and the efforts of sincere people around me that I am in the position I am in, but this is an honest reflection of how difficult it's been for me.

"I started public speaking at a very young age, Allah blessed me with an ability to speak to people and explain Islam to them. For years now I have preached and lectured but on occasions did I ever listen to what I was saying. This is normal for speakers, as it's easier telling others what to do and how to be and harder telling yourself.

"The more I've grown in the field the more this has become apparent to me. I've had the privilege of travelling around the world and delivering talks, why lie, it's been awesome to travel and speak on Islam.

"From the moment I started speaking publicly in 2009 the social media following grew and I've become social media famous, at times I've took advantage of it. These are faults of mine and no one else.

"As I was growing in the field of being an Imam, the expectations and responsibility grew as well. People look at me and think I'm an angel, I'm perfect and sadly they expect no less. They think we imams are sinless and don't suffer from spiritual illnesses like a lot of people out there.

"I used to always get told, the same people that kiss your hands and talk highly of you are the same people that will disrespect and leave you. As I grow older these words have become a reality day by day.

"In today's day and age, it's very hard to find genuine sincere people who actually care for your state.

"Most people have ulterior motives when advising you and telling you how to be. I would say Allah blessed me a lot over the years and he has been so kind and generous to which I have no words of gratitude to express but Alhamdulilah.

"He gave me a position I'm not worthy of, a supportive family, respect, honour, livelihood, an Institute and so much more yet I've let people down and sadly I've let myself down. I've done sins I regret and I repent over.

"After confessing the above, I know the answer to all of this lies in the following; firstly, to sincerely repent to Allah and ask him to forgive me for my sins. Secondly, i seek forgiveness from all those whom I have wronged.

"Thirdly, I have decided I will be retreating from my current responsibilities in this position to rectify my state, rebuild myself spiritually, mentally and return back to studying the Din.

"The most effective way for that to happen is to sit in the company of Allah's righteous servants, to go find them and learn from them.

"To the people who look up to people like me in positions of authority please don’t be disheartened by what has happened. This religion of ours Islam is greater than any one person.

"I do not give this religion honour but it is this religion that gave me/us honour. I may have let many people down but blame me, don’t blame Islam, the Quran or our Prophet ﷺ. I will answer to Allah for my actions as you will for yours. He is the one who forgives even if a person sins over and over and asks for forgiveness, Allah will forgive, He is the most merciful, be those sins in private or in public, He is the most forgiving.

“And I leave my matter with Allah, indeed Allah sees everything” (Surah 49 v:24)

"All I will request from whoever reads this is, make dua for this lost soul that I'm able to become a true servant of Allah and I can truly be what you perceive me to be. Allah bless you all always."

A petition has been launched entitled, 'Stop Imam Asim Hussain From Retreating As A Imam'

It states, "Imam Asim has sincerely repented from this but certain individuals who feel they have the authorities to strip the title of Imamat from him but we know that this incident should not be the means to be the reason why the Imamat should be stripped from him despite the fact he has helped many youngsters come off the wrong path and connect themselves to the religion of Islam.

"This is why this petition is made to show Imam Asim Hussain that he is still worthy of being an Imam after he has sincerely aplogised, we hate the sin and not the sinner.