David Cameron is launching a new terror task force to crack down on extremism in the wake of the tragic murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.

The Cabinet-level group, which will also bring in intelligence and police chiefs when needed, will focus on radical preachers who target potential recruits.

It will be called the Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Task Force (TERFOR), Theresa May, wants tougher pre-emptive censorship of internet sites, a lower threshold for banning extremist groups and renewed pressure on universities and mosques to reject "hate preachers".

This is good; people like Anjem Choudary should not be allowed to spread their message of hate to our people. But please do not expect mosques and universities who do not have the adequate resources to police and investigate people who could be at risk.

Give more funding to the security services, set up a National British Muslim’s panel, set up an organisation specifically for the families who suspect that their son/daughter may be involved with extremist groups and get the Muslim women in the community involved, women in the community are such an untapped resource and influence and we are wrong not to get them involved.

But even this alone is simply not good enough – how about this Government tackle far right extremists?

Since the tragic murder of Drummer Lee Rigby, Muslims have been under attack, despite the condemnations that came after the event.

The Grimsby Islamic Cultural Centre was hit by petrol bombs; the mosque chairman was inside at the time with his young family.

A 43-year-old man has been charged with attempted arson after reportedly walking into a mosque with a knife in Braintree, Essex.

Mosques in Bolton and Cambridge have also been subject to graffiti, and countless others threatened, Tell Mama, the charity which monitors anti-Muslim attacks, said.

Tell Mama reports that there have been ten mosques attacked since Wednesday and 193 anti-Muslim incidents.

If you want British Muslims to feel that they this is their country tackle groups such as the EDL whose main objective is to terrorise the Muslim community.

The Government cannot afford to ignore the trouble that such groups cause, not to mention the cost to the taxpayer (the countless demonstrations).

But how about censorship of far right internet sites? When Theresa May asks for tougher pre-emptive censorship of internet sites, I hope that includes some of the vile abuse that EDL members have being spewing over the last few days on social media.

If the Government is serious about tackling extremism, then they really need to tackle all groups that spread hate.