A TRAINEE from Bradford’s Plastic Surgery and Burns Research Unit (PSBRU) has been awarded a masters of science degree.

Priyatma Khincha was awarded a distinction in her MSc in Surgical Services from the University of Edinburgh for work she carried out in association with the PSBRU at the University of Bradford.

She said: “As a Plastic Surgery trainee, I have found managing burn wounds is quite difficult, and their appropriate management can make a big positive impact on patient outcomes.

“This challenge was the focus of my recent project on testing the credibility of available literature on all modalities that have been used to try and decrease the area of burns to aid in faster and better healing.

"Results of the review have revealed a multitude of different pharmacological agents tested on animals for this purpose, but highlighted a severe paucity of high quality human trials in this genre of literature.

"This review will hopefully contribute towards better management of burns by identifying vacuums in knowledge and scientific evidence, and promoting their further investigation.

“Through Prof Mahajan, I am privileged to be associated with the PSBRU at the University of Bradford.

“The PSBRU is setting a fine example of a Unit that promotes research, collaboration and tackling challenging gaps in science, to make a positive impact not only on the patients that ultimately benefit from scientific advancement, but also to create a positive environment for trainees to perform research under amazing mentors.

“Prof Mahajan has set a high bar for excellence, and I look forward to future collaborations with him and the Burns Research unit to make significant impacts in Plastic Surgery research.”

Professor Ajay Mahajan, director of BSBRU, said: “This year the pandemic has affected the work we have been able to do in our labs at the University of Bradford, however this has not stopped us from continuing with our academic activities at the PSBRU.

“The pandemic has also affected our fundraising activities last year, but in spite of this, people continued to support our work through various virtual activities and I am very grateful to everyone who contributed to this.”