A GOVERNMENT planning inspector has overturned Bradford Council's decision to refuse plans for a digital sign off Wakefield Road.

In March Bradford Council refused plans to replace an existing sign on Victoria Mills, Rutland Street, with LED signage. Officers said the sign "would be unduly dominant, intrusive and a discordant feature in this setting."

Applicant Matt Swindles appealed the decision, and now the appeal has been successful.

Another Manchester Road digital sign appeal fails

Inspector Chris Preston said: "The mill reflects the historic and industrial nature of the area. However, the character and appearance of the mill has already been impacted by the existing advertisement on the gable, shutters, security mesh on the windows and bricked up windows. It is not in a condition which has a positive impact upon the street scene.

"The scheme would not introduce a novel or alien feature. In this location the

illumination of the advertisement would not result in an intrusive or discordant

feature nor have a significant impact upon the mill. "