Getting married and moving away from home is the norm.

Moving in with in-laws is perfectly acceptable. Having your sex life dictated by your mother-in-law is just wrong.

My husband would be told when he should and shouldn't have sex with me.

I was not allowed to converse with my husband in front of his family in English.

If we went shopping, his mum would join us.

If he bought me anything, even a pack of biscuits, he would buy her the same thing.

Once my husband bought me jewellery. He asked his mother's permission. She then approved the purchase, but only after he bought her something more expensive.

On top of that, my mother-in-law kept making taunting comments about how little my parents had spent on my dowry, how cheap the gifts were that we gave them and that the jewellery my parents gave me must be artificial.

I was constantly told I should be grateful that I was chosen for her son considering how 'poor' my family are.

Very often, after I cooked something, my mother-in-law would taste it and say it's not good enough for her son and would throw it in the bin. Then she would make snide remarks about how my mum never taught me anything. 

My husband and I never had a honeymoon. 

We discussed a holiday together, but when my mother-in-law said she'd join us, I made an excuse saying perhaps this isn't the right time for a holiday. 

The moment I suggested studying a course so I can do something constructive with my time, she got angry saying I am a bad wife and that I'm neglecting my husband.

Now she is telling my husband to get me pregnant. 

I overheard them talking and she told him not to even let me know but to trick me into getting pregnant because I was getting out of hand.

That was the moment I decided to leave.

I was married for 11 months and my marriage had broken me down.

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