The Home Secretary is to call on public leaders to show greater moral leadership to help the country tackle the 'growing rise of extremism'.

In a speech, today, Sajid Javid will say everybody has their “part to play” to stop extremists spreading their poisonous narratives and that they cannot expect society to tackle these issues unless there is clear leadership.

The Home Secretary will be joined by Sara Khan, the independent Commissioner for Countering Extremism.

It is one of the first major interventions on extremism since the Counter Extremism Strategy was launched in 2015. It comes as a survey by the Commission for Countering Extremism found 52% of respondents had witnessed extremism, and of these respondents, 45% said it had occurred online.

In a speech titled ‘Confronting Extremism Together’ he will talk about the hatred he personally experienced growing up.

Speaking in front of civil society groups, charities and academics, the Home Secretary is expected to say: “If we are to stop extremism in its tracks we must have the courage to confront it, the strength to take decisive action, and the foresight to tackle the root causes.

“Public discourse is hardening and becoming less constructive.

“Everyone has a part to play: broadcasters who must not give a platform to extremists; police who must swoop on the worst offenders; public figures who must moderate their language.”

On concerns that people are exploiting anti-immigration sentiments to spread extremism, he will add: “I’m from an immigrant family, I know what it’s like to be told to go back to where I came from.

“We must confront the myths about immigration that extremists use to drive divisions. We know the scale is exaggerated to stoke up fear and that they use immigration as a proxy for race.

“Anyone can challenge the myths peddled by extremists that deepen divisions. So tell your friends, shout it loud and proud: people from minority backgrounds did not steal our jobs, they’re not terrorists, that there is no global ‘Zionist conspiracy’.”

The Home Secretary will detail a three-pronged approach of confronting extremist narratives, strengthening communities’ resilience to poisonous ideologies and tackling causes before they can fester and spread. This will lay the groundwork for a refreshed Counter Extremism Strategy, which will build on the successes of the current programme, work on current issues and respond to recommendations to be made by the Commission for Countering Extremism.

He will call for further integration within society, more help for people to learn English, greater support for communities and a celebration of our national identity.

He will urge for society at large to call out extremism wherever it lurks. Leading that charge he will say: “I will not flinch from confronting extremism. I will do everything in my power to stop those who seek to undermine our country.”