When I first played the song, I felt like I had already heard it somewhere before.

The guitar chords, the storyline of a guy telling others about a girl he has fallen for, even the soft vocals echoed the styles of Craig David and his ‘7 Days’ single.


However for once I am not going to slate the fact that there are similarities but applaud the fact that they have created a version here that is actually enjoyable suitable for an Asian audience.

I’ve always said that mixing Punjabi lyrics and vocals with English in a track is never easy, its difficult to get the balance when you are switching languages but it seems to work here, its certainly well produced. The vocals match perfectly and work to compliment one another.

The video is fun to watch too, just like ‘7 Days’ there are parts where I was smiling with the artists in the video, simply because I just warmed up to them from the start and that’s what I like to see.

There are too many videos these days of guys in clubs and thankfully Arjun and Guru stayed true to the single and kept to the story of the song.  

MY Verdict: This song is certainly going to be in my playlist on my iPod. It may be not be very romantic and full of poetry, but that’s why it works for me. It’s light and easy to listen to and I can see myself turning up the volume when it’s played on the radio.

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