Dear Massi, Please give me advice. My son went to best school and always wore best clothes.

He has degree from very good university. He is handsome boy, smart, earning good salary.

He is fair too, more fair than his friends. I know he can get any beautiful girl for marriage. But he introduce me and my husband to his choice. She is not too pretty.

She is much darker than him. And she is very,very plump.

Actually her whole family is plump. He say he want to marry her.

He is not listening to me. First time in his life he is not listening to me.

I told him he deserves a pretty wife. I told him his children will be dark and have weight problem.

He say he will marry her anyway.

I am very disappointed. I will be embarrassed to say she is my daughter-in-law, but what to do please?

Massi says, It is understandable that as a loving parent you are looking out for your son’s interest in every facet of his life.

It is important, however, to remember that your son is now an adult and is well able to make his own decisions. Your son has met somebody whom he wishes to spend his life.

Rather than being critical that his choice is not the same as yours, be happy for him.

By making scathing comments about your future daughter-in-law, you risk alienating your son.

Have faith in your upbringing to know that your son can make decisions of his own accord.