We are all aware Muslims names get mispronounced.

Mudasser becomes Moo-Doo-Saar, Umar - gets stretched to Oomaaar – with an ‘Oow’ initiating it.

There is a probably a colonial or race theory lurking in the background but however lets err on the side of innocence and assume there is laziness all around.

Teachers and white colleagues were the main culprits once but one learned to accommodate this; after all home was home and work was work and never the twain should they meet.

Now, however Muslim SIBLINGS are calling each other these anglicised names. At the dinner table for an example one may hear a sibling say ‘Beel-lal pass me the ketchup’ with amused parents looking on.

One might shake ones head disapprovingly but the real jaw dropper is hearing British born Asians mums call their own children names that buys into the dishonesty. Its natural when you think about it.

It is perplexing how we begin to tolerate the mispronunciations so early in our school life, not raise objections as the name is moulded steadily differently as the years progress.

There is no protesting at registration time to say ‘No Miss my name is Ukber not Aakbarr’.

It is odd. It’s like playing a game.

Everyone knows names are being mispronounced but everyone chooses to ignore it. It’s like going to the grocers - asking for a lemon and being given a lime and everyone pretending that it is a lemon.

Reminds me of the story of the Emperor with no cloths who’s charade was pointed out by an innocent child except now the child is in entwined in the conspiracy.

There was a time in the seventies when the boys gave each other ‘English/British’ names – completely ignoring their ethnic ones. Javaid became ‘Gerry’, Tanveer became ‘Tony’ and Akbari ‘Becky’.

I wonder if the Spanish or the French in the UK have a similar problem here?

What really is embarrassing is having to mispronounce your OWN name over the telephone!

The whole family sniggers when they discover the persona you have given yourself outside the home.’ Wacker’ over and out!