A Sikh man who broke strict religious rules and removed his turban to help an injured child has been re-united with the youngster.

Harman Singh, 22, saw a 5-year-old boy’s head was bleeding removed his turban despite the fact that his religion prohibits him to do so in public.

Speaking to the The New Zealand Herald he said, “I wasn’t thinking about the turban.”

 “I was thinking about the accident and I just thought, ‘He needs something on his head because he’s bleeding.’ That’s my job – to help.”

 “I think anyone else would have done the same as me.”

“Total strangers are asking to be friends on Facebook and thousands of people have said ‘Well done,’

“I was only doing what I had to and trying to be a decent member of the community.”

The boy was taken to the hospital with life-threatening head injuries, though he was in stable condition.

When he was re-united with the child, Daejon Pahi, he said,  'I am just so happy to see him - he is such a very brave guy.

"'He is doing well and is stable, but he was so shy when I would enter the room."

Thousands thanked him on social media,