The Home Secretary Theresa May is to introduce new laws to counter Islamic extremism in the UK. But what can be seen as extreme to one person may be simply someone else’s opinion.

There is going to a huge problem with defining what is deemed as extremist and what isn’t. We already have this grey area where it is almost impossible to state something is extreme or could lead to one being radicalised.

Are you truly able to state something freely without fear of persecution? By curtailing particular ideals are we simply not going to drive some people to air these views in another manner?

If you hold extreme views and want to discuss them you will find a way of doing so.

Will criticising British foreign policy be seen as something that defines how ‘extreme’ you are. If you are a Muslim and chose to state this openly will you be labelled a ‘radical’?

Take for instance the belief that British soldiers are in some way deemed to be terrorists. Sadly, I have heard this stated several times. I have also heard people proclaim there is no difference between an Islamic suicide bombers and the drones which which kill women and children. ‘One kills for the state and the other kills for himself’. In some quarters this is almost an acceptable opinion.

Is this a radical view?

One of the most wildly held views concerns the actions of the Taliban against US military. The deaths of soldiers are celebrated by those holding extreme views in so much they feel that the Taliban are defending their nation against the occupiers. Much like the Mujahedeen who fought off the Russians in the eighties.

At what point is one glorifying terrorism?

Some national publications and writers defined Gaza protesters who were anti-Israel to also be anti-Semitic. They were quick to point out this link. There was also a notion that if you support Gaza and then you must also be supporting Hamas. As Hamas is deemed a terrorist group then you are in essence supporting terrorism. Even David Ward MP got himself to whole load of problems by stating he understood why Hamas would fire rockets into Israel. He later apologised for the comment.

Are you supporting terrorism if you support Hamas?

The actions of the IS Caliphate in Iraq is something that most Muslims rightly deplore. But at what if you hear people saying they actually think the caliphate is a good idea? Will calling for a caliphate be deemed as a dangerous idea?

Will this be an arrestable offence?

What about issues within our own communities?

I am sorry to say but in some mosques there are still uninformed young teachers telling young impressionable children that they are not permitted to celebrate Christmas and a whole host of issues are haram (prohibited). The problem is that the parents of these children who gain their information from their own particular schools of thought hold these views too.

Is this extreme?

You have a number of Muslim television religious personalities beaming a whole host of views into living rooms across the world. These same people have millions of followers online and let us be honest their views hold some sway as to what parents and young people think about particular religious issues. Some of these views would be deemed quite reprehensible to the common man on the street.

Is it wrong to listen to their views?

The greatest problem with defining what is extreme and what is not is one Muslims themselves have to tackle. The authorities will lay down particular laws governing what can be said and what can’t. But the battle is within Muslims themselves.

Some of the views mentioned above have been are commonly discussed. The issue is that it is very difficult to sit in a room with one who holds these views and counter the argument.

You are essentially seen as someone who is less of a Muslim if you choose to hold a counter view. You are also viewed as someone who does not have the ‘grounded knowledge’ on Islamic issues. Or in many respects as someone who ‘does not see the wider picture of global politics’.

Islamic extremists as those we have seen this week viciously beheading a journalist are not concerned with right and wrong – they are simply concerned with what they think is Islamic and non-Islamic. A truly dangerous place to be for all of us.