A fashion extravaganza is being held in Manchester on Saturday 12 May at the Cheltenham Suite of the Marriott Hotel near Manchester Airport.

The event is free for all guests and will showcase the latest Asian trends, jewellery and accessories and must-buys for the season ahead.

Fashionsta’s Fayre will be hosted by Aneet Kohli in collaboration with Ritika Handa.

Aneet and Ritika said, “Manchester has become synonymous with fashion, style, creativity and innovation.

“The event brings all of that together and is an exciting mix of designer and high street fashion labels with stylish accessories.

“Visitors will have a unique opportunity to see many original garments exhibited for the first time.

“This unique exhibition is the second we are holding in the North. We are looking forward to celebrating Asian fashion and its south Asian heritage.”

Fashionista’s Fayre will take place at the Cheltenham Suite of the Marriott Hotel from 11am-7pm.

For further information please contact Aneet at aneetkohli@hotmail.co.uk