Myths and "downright lies" about immigration will be repeated in the run-up to next month's Euro elections, a union leader is to warn.

TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady will accuse right wing politicians of driving a debate on the subject that is becoming "increasingly toxic".

She will tell the annual TUC black workers' conference that a climate of fear was "slowly poisoning" national life in this country, adding: "People are indeed worried - but not about immigrants themselves. Their biggest concern is the bosses who use cheap migrant labour to undercut people's pay and pensions.

"This is what politicians should be doing something about and the TUC will continue to work with unions to counter the myths, half truths and downright lies about immigration that are sure to fly around in the run-up to next year's general election.

"We'll also be campaigning hard for politicians to start treating the issue of race equality with the seriousness it deserves. In the four years since the Government came to power, the fight against racism - in our communities and the labour market - seems to have fallen off the radar."