Why would someone use something which can ruin your reputation?

Or an interactive tool which other people will use to judge you depending on who you follow?.

Well, millions are slaves to this very tool.

My brain couldn’t quite comprehend what my eyes witnessed on the deadly Twitter site some weeks ago.

It was a full blown online war of tweets between a well-known Asian model and a PR representative.

What started off as one tweet unravelled into a story revealing private information of both parties involved – of course fuelled by followers of both parties!

The sheer volume of Twitter soldiers fighting for both sides sent alarm bells ringing through my ear.

Later the PR guru deleted his tweets regarding the model and she temporarily deactivated her account.

Although it ended like this, was it necessary to put up such a show for mere spectators to comment and poke fun at?

This posed the question - by signing up to the social media sites are we putting ourselves at risk of being ruined within seconds?

The exchange of nasty tweets between these two people isn’t a unique case as previously Twitter has witnessed wars between high profile celebs.

Across the border in the US, Nicki Minaj and Steven Tyler went head to head online.

With India not far behind in the twitter ranks there has been plenty of spicy wars and steam coming from Bollywood.

From this it is apparent that Twitter can affect a person’s reputation on a personal level, professional level and business level if it concerns your brand.

According to a report in 2012 the United States had the highest number of Twitter users with the UK following in 4th place and India in 7th, with over 456 million Twitter accounts and 175 million tweets a day it’s become obvious a site like this can work positively for a person but can also cause equal damage.

I asked Twitter users what they think of the site and why they actively tweet and engage with users.

A business commented that it should be used in a strategic way and that it’s good to engage with customers and suppliers, in that you can transmit information quickly to the masses and that it can be beneficial for feedback.

On the other hand a young female user says it good for interaction and socialising and humour. She uses it for finding information on beauty products, to build friendships and for knowledge base activities.

But everyone was aware what seems nice can quickly turn into an all out war as model found out.