What do you mean you don’t deal with Asians?

It seems we have come full circle my friends. In the olden days all we ever wanted to do was help the fellow brother.

We went out of our way to make sure we assisted everyone we knew. This was in the vain hope that the favour would be returned one day. It never was.

Nonetheless, we were in it together to stick it to the powers that be.

It was all for one and one for all.

Several decades later… ‘We don’t deal with Asians’.

I walked into one shop and the store owner told me straight out that he didn’t deal with Asians as it was ‘too much hassle’.

I am certain...the ‘I don’t deal with Asians’ line first came about as a sales pitch. You know as if stating this from the very beginning is supposed to make me feel special.

In some way I should be glad that I am getting his business as I am an Asian with a golden tooah (bottom).

The rest of the scum are simply beneath this excuse for a ******* human being. Okay, I don’t blame some people for uttering this line but come on!

The worst thing is that the people who say this are every bit as kunjoos (stingy) as everyone else.

The only thing is…’they don’t deal with Asians’.

You can feel the hatred welling up inside him as he proceeds to tell you how he went out of his way to give a fellow cousin a discount but then the guy stiffed him good and proper.

Another time he gave some stuff for free but the customer still wasn’t happy.

Now, he doesn’t deal with Asians as they make his life hell.

The thing is the same person who says this will then go and behave like the very thing he or she detests.

You meet them down at the local grocers trying to get themselves a discount on the outdated bread.

They are always first in line for the free EC butter (I know they don't that anymore...but you know the type).

He buys tomato tins in bulk and his family behave like animals at a wedding.

'Don't deal with Asians?'....well go **** yourself.