Dear Massi,  I’m writing this to shame my wife into realising her behaviour is abnormal. 

She is really stingy, especially with me.

I’m only allowed two minutes in the shower- she sits there and times me.

She checks how much shampoo I use to make sure I don’t use too much.

After the kids have eaten, she mixes their leftovers together and makes me eat that for dinner. 

Any ketchup or mayonnaise on their plates are put back into the containers.

Instead of buying new hand soap she just pours washing up liquid into it and dilutes it with water. 

I’m only ever allowed to buy new clothes in the sale.

Last time I went out with my friends in my car, she came out and asked them all to give her £2 each for the petrol money. 

My friend’s all laugh at me but they don’t understand this is driving me insane.

I’ve had enough. 

Please print this because she might see sense when she reads this.

Massi says, Your wife seems to have taken rather extreme measures to save money. 

Explain to your wife how her actions and rules make you feel. 
Also, talk to your wife about your household budget transparently to decipher what you can afford. 

Budgeting is good common sense. However, you must both be in agreement with how finances are managed.