Dear Massi, My wife is constantly comparing me to her brother.

Just because he bought his wife a pair of Louboutins on her birthday my wife is demanding two pairs.

I can’t even afford one pair.

Her brother bought his wife a Gucci bag so I was pressured into getting one. That time I managed to get a really good fake one and she has no idea.

How am I supposed to get a fake pair of Louboutins? 

The next argument started as they’re moving into a bigger house now and she doesn’t want to be left behind.

My wife refuses to see reason. What can I do? 

Massi says, Managing a household budget should be a shared responsibly.

Explain to your wife that your financial priorities revolve around your immediate family and yourselves.

Luxury items or superficial purchases can be made once you both agree that the finances are not taut. 

Explain to your wife how much your income is and what your outgoings are so she has a clearer picture. 

Also talk to your wife about how her demands are affecting you.