Dear Massi, My wife is always making a big deal out of small issues and is always gossiping about other people.

She makes a point of complaining about other people's toilets. 

When we visit people, she will go to the bathroom just to check how dirty it is.

Then she gossips about it to her friends.

She even takes pictures of other people's bathrooms and sends them on her friend's WhatsApp group and they all have a laugh together.

I really hate this petty side to her.

What's worse is my boy is 13 and he has started copying his mum and he complains about how dirty his friend's bedrooms and bathrooms are.

What can I say to them both to make them stop?

Massi says, It is important to set a precedent for your son.

Children are a product of their environment and certain behavioural patterns of parents can inadvertently be manifested in children.

Talk to your wife and tell her that your son is mimicking her behaviour and that it would be better for her to adjust for the sake of your son.

The gossiping is particularly unpalatable when one has been invited into someones home.

Ask your wife how she would feel if she or your son was at the receiving end of such unkind words and actions after they have invited guests into your home.

Gossiping is unhealthy and hurtful. 

Encourage your wife and son to talk about their friends in a more positive and constructive manner.