Dear Massi, My husband has a really weird relationship with his mum.
I have only seen this after we got married.

He has to ring her every day. Every time he buys me flowers, he buys her a bunch too.

When we visit, he never sits next to me, but only sits next to her. In fact, he pretty much ignores me around his mum.

It’s almost like he doesn’t want her to get jealous.

But the weirdest part is that he talks to her in this weird baby language in Punjabi. And she responds like she is talking to a two-year-old.

It’s freaky and abnormal.

I told him it’s not normal for a grown man to talk like that to his mum, but he got really defensive and told me not to interfere in his relationship with his mum.

Am I crazy or is that too weird?

Massi says, Everyone has their own unique type of relationship with their parents.
Often other people will not be able to comprehend a certain type of rapport. This does not mean that it is wrong or ‘abnormal.’

Your husband’s relationship with his mother may seem unorthodox to you but this is not cause for you to be critical of it.

If your husband is giving his mother attention when he visits her, try not to be affronted by his behaviour as he is not doing this to hurt your feelings.

Otherwise you have not implied that your husband is neglectful of you while he is being thoughtful of his mother or that your own relationship is compromised as a result.