Dear Massi, I am newly married and my father-in-law keeps asking me to scratch his back. When he’s topless. 

It’s so awkward. My own dad never asked me to do anything like that. I’m sure that must be haram.

I keep making excuses. First I said I had nail polish on and it had to dry. 

Then another time I said I had cut my nails short so I suggested he use a fork instead. 

Another time I pretended I had gotten a call on my phone and I hid in my room. I don’t know why he doesn’t just ask his wife to do it. 

How do I say anything without creating an awkward environment?

Massi Says, This is indeed an awkward situation. 

It certainly isn’t your responsibility to scratch you father-in-law’s back. You should not have to be in a position where you are made to feel uncomfortable in this way. 
This is a breach of your personal space.

Speak to your husband to gently address the issue with his father to explain that this type of interaction makes you uncomfortable.

If your husband or mother-in-law are not available to help your father-in-law in this matter, there are some perfectly effective back scratches available in shops that he could use himself.