Dear Massi, My in-law's were interested in my best friend's sister to marry my husband's brother.

My best friend knows everything I have gone through with my in-laws and knows just how backward and difficult they are.

When they rejected the rishta, my in-law's all turned on me, including my husband. 

They said I must be the reason why they said no to the rishta, that I must have told them lies about my in-law's to put them off.

They didn't believe me when I said I didn't even talk about the rishta with my best friend.

They told my husband to go through my private text messages to check. 

I was so upset that he was willing to do that. He says if I have nothing to hide I shouldn't be upset. 

When they found nothing in my phone, my mother-in-law took out the Quran and made me swear on the Quran that I didn't tell my best friend's family not to do the rishta.

Ever since that night I've been so upset and stressed out. It was the most horrible ordeal I have ever been through. 

My husband says I have proved them wrong so I should stop worrying. 

But how can I get over the fact that they treated me so badly?

Massi says, This episode is incredibly unfair on you and for you to be used as a scapegoat is inexcusable.

Whilst you may have 'proved them wrong,' it certainly doesn't justify the actions that took place.

It is important to talk to your husband about this.

Rather than making disparaging comments about his family, explain how their actions made you feel.

Ask him how he would feel if his sister was subjected to the same treatment at the hands of her in-law's.

Your husband's support is imperative in ensuring that this incident is not repeated again.