Dear Massi, My wife is always complaining about my neighbour's wife.

She's always nice to her face, but as soon as the door is closed she starts saying nasty things about her.

My neighbour and his wife popped over one evening to drop off some iftari for us.

I thought that was a really nice thought. My wife got really angry and said she was only bringing the food to show off about how good a cook she is.

I said it's a good gesture and you get reward for feeding people iftari.

My wife got really angry and said I was defending the other woman.

I told her to calm down and stop being such a drama queen.

My wife then picked up the iftari and threw it in the bin.

I was angry to see her waste food, so at iftari time, I took it out of the bin and ate it.

My wife hasn't spoken to me since and she hasn't made me any iftari since.

I don't want to apologise as I was not in the wrong, 

Massi Says, Throwing away the neighbour's food was quite an extreme reaction to your wife's rivalry with your neighbour.

Throwing food away in this manner is the antithesis of the spirit of Ramadan.

I understand that you feel that you should not have to apologise to your wife, but not talking to each other will not resolve this issue.

Talk to your wife, and explain that eating the neighbour's food was not an exercise in loyalty, but was you simply not wanting to waste food. 

Reassure your wife that you love her, and that you wish to move on from that episode and enjoy Ramadan as a family.