The election of Donald Trump as President has polarised opinions but let us face the facts for a moment. We are quick to find explanations for the result but the main reason is one that we find a little unsettling.

This was not a victory of the forgotten people. It was not a victory for the working classes. It was not because people felt so out of touch with the Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton.

Donald Trump has very little in common with the working classes as he clearly is part of the very elite he despises.

We come up with these reasons because we don’t want to face the uncomfortable facts.

This was a victory for simple and pure xenophobia. It was a victory for casual racism that has crept into our consciousness where it has become almost acceptable to criticise specific cultures and religions.

To such criticism means you love your country less and our 'way of life'.

Here, and in America we have large sections of the media who have published and aired anti-Muslim, anti-Immigrant, anti-refugee stories and reports and they have done it knowing full well that it will produce feelings of resentment.

This seeping casual racism has become more and more accepted and it is being painted as white working classes blaming the system for ignoring their plights.

If another race or culture in another country on the planet had elected a leader who had made, racist and sexist remarks and fought a campaign based on lies then would we really be making excuses as we have?

Trump may well have blamed the media – but they were indeed his most important ally.

The uncomfortable truth is that people want to believe that by voting for Trump they have taken their country back from the invading hoards and Trump will in some way make America more ‘white’.

And just like Brexit, fear and loathing of other religions does and will win you supporters and elections.

Today, it is the extreme right wing rejoicing. It is the writers and commentators who have in the past called for the drowning of migrants who celebrated.

Let’s face the facts and stop trying to dress this up like some unprecedented shock to the system – racism sells…again.