There is a fine line between being offensive and then saying what is on your mind.

The remarks by Donald Trump about banning Muslims and then stating that parts of London were so far radicalised that the police fear to tread there have been well documented.

Today an MP even called for Trump to be banned from the UK following the comments.

Whilst many have been quick to condemn the remarks there are I’m afraid an equal number who cheered the comments.

What is worrying is how apparently intelligent people actually tried to defend his comments by stating that he was in fact speaking some truth.

Reading commentary pieces and comments on social media you can quickly gauge the support Trump got for wanting to ban Muslims from travelling to the US. He was to some defending the great nation from the 'evil' that is Islam.

Too many Americans, Trump is an embarrassment but to others sadly he seems to speaking some sense.

Quite clearly, there are people who are finding his remarks acceptable and they are actually willing to argue in favour of them.

Almost anything no matter how preposterous can be used to help to perpetuate the myth that Muslims and Islam are in some way a great threat to the way of life of ordinary people.

We may well scoff at Donald Trump and call him a showman but it is worrying when he can stand before a crowd and make such comments and that crowd can be comfortable enough and content enough to cheer.

Even in the UK a national newspaper today felt happy enough to post a story claiming, “Two police officers claim Donald Trump is RIGHT about parts of London being so 'radicalised' they are no-go areas.’ It initiated the kind of comments that we have got used to seeing below stories about Muslims not just on this newspaper's website but elsewhere.

The officers are quoted as saying, “'Islamification has and is occurring. It is not new.

He told right-wing website Breitbart: 'When I was a teenage lad in Burnley there were no go white areas. This is the case still nationally, including London where you have to have extra vigilance in certain parts when you are working'.

Just wait a minute, the Mail is now quoting Breitbart? A website which yesterday stated, 'Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Not ‘Fascist,’ and Is Not Unconstitutional’.

The slippery slope towards appeasing hatred has begun.