A woman was set upon by three females on a beach in France. What happened next could happen anywhere on the planet during a time of Muslim hysteria.

The unnamed victim was of French or north African origin and was sunbathing in swimwear with two friends in the Parc Léo Lagrange in Reims on July 22.

She was told to ‘get dressed, it’s not summer’, said officials. But social media had already made its mind up.

At the time officials stated that this was not a religiously-motivated incident.

International newspapers picked up on the story that a bikini-clad woman had been attacked by a gang of Muslim girls.

#JePorteMonMaillotAuParcLeo, which translates to ‘I wear my bikini in the Leo park’ started trending on Twitter and women from across the world posted pictures of themselves in bikinis.

Later, three members of the gang were identified. All five come from housing estates with large Muslim populations found in the eastern French city of Reims.

Police superintendent in charge of the case, Julie Galisson, said: “It was a fight between young girls which de-generated after one of the perpetrators of the aggression said: ‘Get dressed, it’s not summer’. “One of those arrested would not leave her alone and this degenerated into violence…it is clear from the statement of the victim and those implicated, there is no element of a religious or moral element which explains the aggression.”

The police’s comments were supported by one of the arrested girls who posted a video on Facebook following her arrest it has been reported.

In it she denied she had religious reasons for attacking. Complaining that being Muslim she and her friends were ‘easy prey’, she continued: “With our history, we are easy prey … Personally, since we are talking about me, I am not a terrorist. I’m the first to go sunbathing in a swimsuit. … I am not a terrorist.”