It is meant to be a tongue in cheek attempt to highlight Islamophobia but is the inclusion of a comedy TV programme a step too far?

Organisers of the annual Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Islamophobia awards held in London rolled out a familiar list of individuals and organisations on their ‘shortlist’.

Among them was Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French magazine that organisers said ‘had made a name for itself by inciting hatred against Muslims by stereotyping them and lampooning their beliefs’.

Also included was the far right anti-Islamic PEGIDA and Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s xenophobic National Front party. Others on the list are David Cameron, Michael Gove and Theresa May, in fact the whole UK government and Fox News.

The dinner event aims to subvert Islamophobia through comedy while ‘simultaneously drawing attention to one of the most disturbing phenomena of modern times’.

Which is all very well.

But then there is Citizen Khan, the BBC programme which is listed in the Film / Book / TV series award section alongside such films as American Sniper and 300: The Rise of an Empire.

The former and many others understandably should be on the list.

300 though takes place before the advent of the Islamic religion? Then again most viewers are not going to know that we guess?

In the list it is described as 'Okay, misogynistic, bloodthirsty Persians drafted by badass democratic Greeks? Is there a wishful analogy here we are missing?'

Now, understandably some people might find Citizen Khan a little offensive but the programme and series 3 in particular, looked to lampoon not only itself but also other people’s ignorance about Islam and Muslims.

Some might even say it seems to have a more ridiculed Pakistani culture than Islam in general. In some respects the programme is the type of light-hearted pop at popular culture as this event may well seem to be?

In the awards list it was described as a programme where 'Muslims are depicted as racist, sexist and backward. Obviousl'

We did e-mail the organisers for a further explanation but have yet to receive one. When we do rest-assured it will be included here.

Winners will be announced during the spoof awards ceremony which will be taking place on Saturday, 7 March 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Wembley.

The evening will also include a performance from acclaimed comedian Aamer Rahman who was named as one of The Guardian's top 10 comedy shows of 2014.

General public can purchase tickets here: