For most the Christmas period means spending time with their families.

But what happens when you get two types of families and one visits the other ones house? Okay, let me make this a little clearer. What happens when one family ‘celebrates’ Christmas and the other has a certain level of disdain for it?

Let me air my dirty laundry in public properly. What happens if you have one family that is all for Christmas and the other says it completely ‘haram’ (prohibited) You might not think so but over the past few years one of the biggest arguments between some families is the how one set have become too westernised. You might well end-up in a home which has recently put a few decorations and even bought the kids some presents.

Then they will be visited by a family who will be against the celebration from the outset.

The religious and social argument then ensures. This is normally between the two male heads of the families. At no point will the guy who is against Christmas say ‘no’ to the tasty leg of lamb or the fact that his kids also got some presents too!

Everyone else seems pretty content that this was not about celebrating Christmas as such but simply having a great day off with the family and making sure the kids are having a good time.

Having drunk several cups of masala tea, the argument reaches a crescendo when the pro-Christmas male calls his now adversary ‘backward’.

Now, this is clearly below the belt and the anti-Christmas man is forced to defend himself and states the other person is not a ‘proper Muslim’. The women watch their immature partners try to argue themselves out what is a very big hole.

The ‘disagreement’ normally ends when an elder enters the room.

“Shut -up both’s a day off, enjoy it while you can. You both need to open the shop up again in the morning.”