No Prime minister or President will ever admit they were complicit in torture.

Whilst publicly politicians have spoken of their shock and horror at what occurred we know privately to many senior leaders it does not matter.

The Senate report into the CIA's secret torture programmes reveals horrifying details.

At least five prisoners were exposed to “rectal feeding” without medical necessity.

Also, rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force” resulting in anal fissures, chronic haemorrhoids and “symptomatic rectal prolapse”.

One prisoner, Majid Khan, tried to kill himself by biting his own veins.

Another prisoner, accused of not co-operating with an investigation was stripped naked below the waist, chained, and made to sit on a bare concrete floor. Subsequently he was found dead the next day of suspected hypothermia.

Repeated cases of waterboarding have been cited in the report, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11, was waterboarded 183 times in March 2003.

Many prisoners were subjected to sleep deprivation, keeping detainees awake for up to 180 hours, usually standing or in stress positions, leading to hallucinations.

CIA operatives engaged in games of Russian Roulette, mock executions and US agents threatened to slit the throat of a detainee’s mother There was even a case of a prisoner handcuffed with his hands above his head for 22 hours at a time wearing a nappy as he was refused access to the toilet.

This landmark report has led to outrage. But so what? Will this ‘stain on America’ change anything? And will CIA agents really be prosecuted?

The answer is ‘no’. The reason for this is quite simple. We expect this to happen.

The CIA is not the only secret agency who will try to extract information by any means necessary to compliment strategic foreign policy.

They did it fifty years ago and they are doing it now and they will do it another fifty years.

Some nations at just better at hiding their actions than others.

We will have a huge outcry but in several years time nothing really will have changed. The secret agency will just find a way to be...more secret.

Sorry, but we the west may well want to take the high ground but we expect out secret agencies to behave like this.

And there is nothing we can essentially do about it.

Let’s all just put up with the ‘shock and horror’ facade for a few days – normal business will resume soon enough.