Decapitations are nothing but a savage trophy prize for the most debased sadist.

As if genocide wasn’t gruesome enough.

Now, IS have beheaded a American journalist, all in the name of jihad. And then the group decided to follow repugnant protocol by posting the video of the murder on YouTube.

And in today’s age where the velocity of the internet is the best marketing tool available, it’s the Islamic States most effective way of raising their heinous profile.

We still have the memory in our heads of the seven-year-old Australian boy who held a severed head as he posed for a photo as his fanatical father proudly tweeted, “That’s my boy!”

What kind of macabre modus operandi is publicising a beheading?

IS are nothing but deluded. Their mission, they claim, is heaven sent.

Making Christianity punishable by death is not what Islam teaches. And there is certainly no hadith that condones looting churches or sticking heads of the ‘kuffar’ on spikes.

Capturing and raping women is part of their mission. Where’s the Islamic evidence to support these sickening actions?

This war against the west allows IS to display crucified corpses on the streets, a brutal manifestation of intimidation.

The self-imposed caliphate means IS can brazenly exhort children to become suicide bombers.

Suicide bombing is just the most illogical paradox any Muslim zealot can support. They should know better than anyone that suicide is completely forbidden in Islam.

Now a second journalist, Steven Sotloff is held captive by ISIS.

“The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision” arrogantly states the militant. Grand rhetoric indeed. Rhetoric that they will claim is learnt fervently from the Quran.

This is nothing but mendacious propaganda; a brutal and narcissistic literalism of the Quran, manipulated to have a license to kill.