One of my favourite sayings ever has to be ‘Health Is Your Wealth’.

Is it just me, or are there fast food outlets popping up left right and centre?

Now let’s get one thing right, I love my food especially a spicy curry, not to mention a cheeky kebab roll or two, but as the saying goes ‘Too much of anything is bad for you’! In today’s society many of us work longer hours and as a result aren’t taking enough interest in nutrition.

Modern day life gives us more options than ever and never has it been so easy to order a takeaway with the click of a mouse.

Whilst working out recently, I got talking to one of my Muslim brothers Yas about health and wellbeing.

He went on to explain that he had started the gym this year as he was reaching 40, that he wanted to get in shape and that eating too much Gee and Chapattis was taking its toll.

And that is without taking into consideration the takeaway’s he likes to visit on a weekly basis!

Yas told me that by making subtle life style changes such as going to the gym, taking the family for a walk in the Park and doing his best to have a weekend treat helped him lose weight and feel better.

Now, I’m not saying don’t visit your local take away or go out with family and eat a great meal, but what I am saying is this; If, like myself, you enjoy food, it is equally important to think about your health, because too much of anything is bad for you and let’s not forget here that ‘your health is your wealth’.

Find me on Twitter @MisterCsMantra or Facebook/misterconsequence.